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E12: Autonomous Vehicles

Jun 14, 2022

This episode features Dr. Michael Hunter, GT/CE; and Dr. Sean Wilson, GTRI/ATAS. They will discuss various technical and application issues, current and future planned work around autonomous vehicles (AV), and a quick look forward to what can be expected. This podcast was hosted by Scott McAtee.

Talking Points

  • Dr. Hunter is a professor in the Georgia Tech Civil Engineering department and has been delivering presentations on Autonomous Vehicles for years, including a 2016 Friday Morning Seminar at Georgia Tech Research Institute. His insight is centered around the application and support infrastructure for AV.
  • Dr. Sean Wilson is a Senior Research Engineer in the GTRI Aerospace, Transportation & Advanced Systems Laboratory. His insight is centered around the technology needed to implement AV systems, with a focus on Department of Defense projects.
  • The podcast questions focused on:
    • Each guest’s background in AV and what they are currently doing in the field.
    • What the definition of an AV is from their perspective.
    • What are the principal drivers of AV systems (Safety? Economics? Cost-Benefit? Other?).
    • Where would each guest place the progress of AV systems across the country, by percent AV converted.
    • What are the immediate, near-term, and long-term challenges in the AV technology development and application spaces.


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