ELSYS supports the DoD enterprise across a wide range of EW technologies and throughout the entire program lifecycle. Working directly with its government partner, ELSYS provides engineering support from the initial stages of conception and requirements analysis, through design and development, to operational test, fielding, and sustainment. ELSYS excels at developing hardware and software solutions to improve mission capability with a focus on bringing technological advancements to the warfighter. Given its long history of partnering with the DoD and providing EW solutions, ELSYS has built a deep understanding of the threat, the mission, and the acquisition process. ELSYS understands that modern, effective EW cannot be provided by a set of federated systems, but rather as a System of Systems.
ELSYS has a long history of supporting the government in organic sustainment and technology insertion targeted at keeping legacy military platforms operationally relevant in an ever-changing operational environment. The laboratory develops and supports fielding of operational flight programs (OFPs) delivering innovative nonproprietary products leveraging GTRI’s broad subject matter expertise across the full spectrum of military systems. ELSYS provides full life- cycle engineering sustainment including development of system specifications, requirements, design, and development, and qualification, and flight test support. Focus areas for airborne systems include data fusion of multi-sensor EW and avionics systems, tactical data link integration, standards development, and embedded training solutions.
In addition to directly supporting DoD services, ELSYS conducts EW research for a variety of allied and partner nations via Foreign Military Sales (FMS) through appropriate DoD agencies. FMS EW activities include:
ELSYS also co-sponsors and conducts a bi-annual International and FMS Symposium to foster communication and coordination in the International EW stakeholder community. The FMS Symposium draws attendees from the international community, DoD, State Department and industry.