Army Aviation Flight & Survivability Systems

The Applied Systems Laboratory conducts basic and applied research, design, and prototyping of manned and unmanned aviation and avionics systems, including systems engineering, architectures, and mission planning. Research includes development of offensive and defensive airborne cyber systems in the domains of avionics safety and security, survivability, technology refresh, obsolescence mitigation, mission planning, open systems, and architecture. ASL focuses on systems critical to US Army Aviation readiness and sustainment, with specific emphasis on systems engineering solutions.

Examples of ASL research involving Army Aviation Flight & Survivability Systems include:

  • Virtual and constructive aviation/avionics models and simulations
  • Technology refresh of fielded avionics systems
  • Cockpit mission computer multi-core processor upgrade for next-generation sensor and avionics components
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop stimulation of rotorcraft sensors for Degraded