Our Work

The two labs comprising ICSD work collaboratively, performing complementary work. The Cybersecurity, Information Protection, and Hardware Evaluation Research Laboratory (CIPHER) engineers and scientists develop and apply cutting-edge technologies in computing, network architectures, signal and protocol analysis, network forensics, custom algorithms for cyber defense and attribution, malware analysis, open source information collection and correlation, insider threat detection and mitigation, hardware and software reverse engineering, and advanced analytics. The Information and Communications Laboratory (ICL) investigates the properties and behavior of information, the forces governing the flow of information, and the means of processing information for optimum accessibility and usability through research that solves complex problems for range of sponsors, including defense, health, intelligence, justice and the state of Georgia.

Location: Atlanta, GA


The core competencies and strengths of the Information and Cyber Sciences Directorate (ICSD) include cognitive RF and intelligent systems, information and identity exchange, geospatial visualization systems, first responder technologies, advanced computing and complex systems, threat intelligence and analysis, hardware and software assessment, and cyber operations.