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E16: Generation II Reinvented Toilet

Oct 31, 2022

The G2RTis a project initiative from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to reinvent the toilet and create a sanitation solution that requires no input water.

This episode features Dr. Shannon Yee, a Georgia Tech Professor, and GTRI Research Engineers Kyle Azevedo and Alexis Noel. In this episode, Podcast host Scott McAtee talks to Shannon, Kyle, and Alexis about their collaborative efforts on the GenerationI I Reinvented Toilet (G2RT). The G2RTis a project initiative from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to reinvent the toilet and create a sanitation solution that requires no input water, transforms human waste into a safe byproduct and does not require a sewer or septic connection.

Talking Points

In this episode, listeners will hear about:

  • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge."
  • The GT and GTRI team involved in the G2RT project.
  • G2RT technology and prototype/development efforts.
  • Ongoing field-testing efforts around the world.
  • Global impacts that the G2RT brings.
  • Next steps for the G2RT product.


Episode Credits

  • Host, Scott McAtee, Scott.McAtee@gtri.gatech.edu
  • Producer, Charles Harris, Charles.Harris@gtri.gatech.edu
  • Producer, Dylan Husserl, Dylan.Husserl@gtri.gatech.edu
  • Editor, Christopher Weems, Christopher.Weems@gtri.gatech.edu
  • Editor, Monica Ngando, Monica.Ngando@gtri.gatech.edu
  • Audio Engineer, Angel Jaen, Angel.Jaen@gtri.gatech.edu
  • Podcast Lead, Bryan Bledsoe, bryan.bledsoe@gtri.gatech.edu

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