A Midtown High School student models innovative fashions created with all-recycled materials. (Credit: Christopher Moore, GTRI)

A scene from the Third Annual Marne Innovation Workshop – a collaborative event co-hosted with the 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) and the Georgia Tech Army ROTC. (Credit: Christopher Moore, GTRI)

GTRI researchers, Garrett Brown, Drew Petry, and Justin Hsu win second place in the Southeastern Cyber Cup competition. (Credit: Christopher Moore, GTRI)

GTRI senior research engineer Elena Plis prepares to analyze a material sample that had been exposed to the space environment on the outside the International Space Station. (Credit: Christopher Moore, GTRI)

Retirement party for GTRI’s SSD division’s Herb Stokes. (Credit: Sean McNeil, GTRI)

Georgia Tech doctoral student, Jakari Harris attends the 2024 FOCUS Fellows program. (Credit: Sean McNeil, GTRI)

L – R: GTRI Director, Jim Hudgens, along with Mike Willis, and Troy Littles salute the American flag during Willis’ retirement celebration at GTRI HQ. (Credit: Sean McNeil)

Members of the Strategic Human Resources Partners department (sHRp) solve a problem together during a team-building event. (Credit: Sean McNeil)