GTRI technology

DoD Information Analysis Centers (IACs)

The U.S. military requires the most effective and advanced technologies current science and engineering can provide. The DoD’s Information Analysis Centers (IACs), operated by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), provides technical data management and research support for DoD and federal government users. Established in 1946, the IAC program serves the DoD science & technology (S&T) and acquisition communities to drive innovation and technological developments by enhancing collaboration through integrated scientific and technical information development and dissemination for the DoD and broader S&T community.

IAC MAC Defense System Domains

IAC MAC is a nine-year, indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) multiple award contract vehicle that focuses on the following technical areas: Advanced Materials; Autonomous Systems; C4ISR, Directed Energy; Energetics; Military Sensing; Non-Lethal Weapons and Information Operations; Reliability, Maintainability, Quality, Supportability, and Interoperability (RMQSI); Survivability and Vulnerability, Weapons Systems, Software Data & Analysis, Cyber Security, Modeling and Simulation, Knowledge Management, Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure Protection, WMD, Biometrics, Medical, Cultural Studies, Alternative Energy and CBRN Defense.

Contract: FA8075-18-D-0008 
Type: Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Firm Fixed Price

For More Information about GTRI's IAC MAC contract please contact:

Roderick Beard
Phone: 404-407-7263 
E-mail: rod.beard@gtri.gatech.edu

Allison Mercer
Phone: 404-407-6531 
E-mail: allison.mercer@gtri.gatech.edu 

Danielle Wright
Phone: 404-407-8967
E-mail: danielle.wright@gtri.gatech.edu

Scott Wood
Phone: 404-407-8180 
E-mail: scott.wood@gtri.gatech.edu